Gen's upcoming events and Misc.upcoming projects...

GENS MISC. UPCOMING PROJECTS: Heartworm Press are publishing “Collected Lyrics and Poems of Genesis Breyer P-Orridge – Volume One 1961 to 1971. Later they will publish Gen's first novel, written in 1969, “Mrs. Askwith”. Other books will follow.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Genesis P-Orridge "Exile and Exhilaration" early 1990's message on Youtube.

Youtube user Conrad Holt has saved and uploaded the "Exile and Exhilaration" message recorded by Genesis in the early 1990's following Gen's exile from England. This circulated on VHS copies for many years. I believe this to be one of Gen's most important works with the talk of Television "Programming" and those controlling "The Light" being more relevant today than ever, showing just how far ahead Gen was thinking in the 1990s.

Part 1 


PART 3  


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