Psychic TV / PTV3 announces new 12" and US mini tour dates:
"Mother Sky/Alien Sky" is our new long play 12" vinyl from Vanity Case Records in Leeds, UK will be released on October 23rd, 2011 on heavenly blue & white vinyl. Limited edition of 500 copies. (A portion will be sold on the webshoppe as an autographed edition with extra goodies of course). To support this release, we will be playing several dis-concerts in the USA only. Plans are being hatched to bring out a tour-only slab of vinyl featuring our 16 minute new epic entitled "Thank You". These would be sold at our US appearances, Adelaide Festival in Australia (March 2012) and a few for the webshoppe for our European friends!
Friday Dec. 09, 2011 at Elysium in Austin TX
$13 advance / $18 door
Psychic TV / PTV3
Coma in Algiers
Sunday Dec. 11, 2011 at Reggies Rock Club in Chicago, IL.
$15 advance / $20 door / $50 VIP
Psychic TV / PTV3
Claw Toe
(more tba)
ONE TRUE TOPI TRIBE Annual Celebration and Invokation
Thursday Dec. 15, 2011 at Europa in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY.
$23 advance / $25 door
Psychic TV / PTV3
Bryin Dall (live soundtrack to The Life & Death of Jordan)
Cult of Youth
A comprehensive online archive of all things Genesis p-orridge,arguably one of the most important icons of alternative culture of the latter quarter of the 20th Century and beyond ...
the essays, interviews, music and magick that has given "CONTROL" headaches for 60-some years now.
*bear with me as i correct spelling and fix formatting on some of this older material!

Gen's upcoming events and Misc.upcoming projects...
GENS MISC. UPCOMING PROJECTS: Heartworm Press are publishing “Collected Lyrics and Poems of Genesis Breyer P-Orridge – Volume One 1961 to 1971. Later they will publish Gen's first novel, written in 1969, “Mrs. Askwith”. Other books will follow.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Comics writer Grant Morrison Discusses Genesis in the Letter Column of the Dc / vertigo comic "The Invisibles" issue 19 (1996)
In answering a writer who asked if Morrison had read int othe ideas of The Temple of Psychick Youth, Morrison replies...
"...I haven't read a lot of temple stuff. I'm aware of Genesis p-orridge and his ideas mainly through interviews but i have no idea how the temple evolved without him.The sigil method, as i'm famliar with it, was developed by occutist and artist Austin Osman Spare (1888/89-1956) and passed through the Chaos Current by Peter Carroll and Ray Sherwin in the early ' 80's.
Morrison would term his Invisibles work " A hypersigil"
-From" his intro "POP MAGIC!". In Richard, Metzger. Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult. The Disinformation Company. 2003 (also included chapters by Genesis which would later appear in the Psychic Bible.)
"The 'hypersigil' or 'supersigil' develops the sigil concept beyond the static image and incorporates elements such as characterization, drama, and plot. The hypersigil is a sigil extended through the fourth dimension. My own comic book series The Invisibles was a six-year long sigil in the form of an occult adventure story which consumed and recreated my life during the period of its composition and execution. The hypersigil is an immensely powerful and sometimes dangerous method for actually altering reality in accordance with intent. Results can be remarkable and shocking."
"...I haven't read a lot of temple stuff. I'm aware of Genesis p-orridge and his ideas mainly through interviews but i have no idea how the temple evolved without him.The sigil method, as i'm famliar with it, was developed by occutist and artist Austin Osman Spare (1888/89-1956) and passed through the Chaos Current by Peter Carroll and Ray Sherwin in the early ' 80's.
Morrison would term his Invisibles work " A hypersigil"
-From" his intro "POP MAGIC!". In Richard, Metzger. Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult. The Disinformation Company. 2003 (also included chapters by Genesis which would later appear in the Psychic Bible.)
"The 'hypersigil' or 'supersigil' develops the sigil concept beyond the static image and incorporates elements such as characterization, drama, and plot. The hypersigil is a sigil extended through the fourth dimension. My own comic book series The Invisibles was a six-year long sigil in the form of an occult adventure story which consumed and recreated my life during the period of its composition and execution. The hypersigil is an immensely powerful and sometimes dangerous method for actually altering reality in accordance with intent. Results can be remarkable and shocking."
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
COUM TRANSMISSIONS 'Sugarmorphoses' LP Cold Spring Records
From Cold Spring records...
In stock: COUM TRANSMISSIONS 'Sugarmorphoses' LP. Genesis P-Orridge (Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV). Recorded 1974, Ho Ho Funhouse. Ltd 1000
In stock: COUM TRANSMISSIONS 'Sugarmorphoses' LP. Genesis P-Orridge (Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV). Recorded 1974, Ho Ho Funhouse. Ltd 1000
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Adopt films nabs documentary "The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye" as first acquisition
Adopt films nabs documentary as first acquisition
By Tim Molloy
Wed Sep 7, 2011 12:49pm EDT
NEW YORK ( - Adopt Films, a new independent distribution company formed by October Films co-founder Jeff Lipsky and former exhibitor Tim Grady, have announced their first acquisition, the award-winning documentary "The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye."
The company plans to release French-American filmmaker Marie Losier's film in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2012.
Adopt Films, which will be based in New York, plans to acquire independent English-language films, both narrative and documentary, as well as foreign language films.
"I truly feel this might be the single best time to launch a new independent distribution company since Bingham Ray and I plotted out October in my then-living room in Sherman Oaks in 1990," said Lipsky. "Our focus at Adopt will be on films that have theatrical potential, first and foremost. I'm not a glass half-full kind of guy about the ongoing potential theatrical audience for independent films, I'm a glass three-quarters-full kind of guy."
He said he hoped Adopt's first releases would be as eclectic and high profile as such early October films as "Adam's Rib," "The Tune," and "Tous les matins du monde."
"Adopt will be in a better position to fully exploit our films in all media because we'll have fully exploited each film's table-setting theatrical rights first," Grady added.
Added Losier: "I am so happy to have met a ball of energy, ready to put all their talent, passion and dreams into my first feature film! This is going to be a wonderful adventure and a precious honor to be the first Adopt Films release."
Lipsky and Grady negotiated the deal with Losier and her producing and business partners Steve Holmgren and Martin Marquet. The film tells the story of a love affair between British musician and artist Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, founder of industrial bands COUM Transmissions, Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV, and New York performance artist Lady Jaye (Jacqueline Breyer).
The film premiered at this year's Berlin Film Festival, where it won the prestigious Teddy and Caligari Awards. It was an official selection at this year's South by Southwest (SXSW), Tribeca, Hot Docs (Toronto), and San Francisco International Film Festivals.
Lipsky began his distribution career with "A Woman Under the Influence," working with his mentor, John Cassavetes. He was an executive at New Yorker Films, Samuel Goldwyn Films, and Skouras Pictures.
He is also a filmmaker, whose films include "Twelve Thirty," "Childhood's End," and the 2006 Sundance Film Festival Dramatic Competition selection "Flannel Pajamas."
By Tim Molloy
Wed Sep 7, 2011 12:49pm EDT
NEW YORK ( - Adopt Films, a new independent distribution company formed by October Films co-founder Jeff Lipsky and former exhibitor Tim Grady, have announced their first acquisition, the award-winning documentary "The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye."
The company plans to release French-American filmmaker Marie Losier's film in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2012.
Adopt Films, which will be based in New York, plans to acquire independent English-language films, both narrative and documentary, as well as foreign language films.
"I truly feel this might be the single best time to launch a new independent distribution company since Bingham Ray and I plotted out October in my then-living room in Sherman Oaks in 1990," said Lipsky. "Our focus at Adopt will be on films that have theatrical potential, first and foremost. I'm not a glass half-full kind of guy about the ongoing potential theatrical audience for independent films, I'm a glass three-quarters-full kind of guy."
He said he hoped Adopt's first releases would be as eclectic and high profile as such early October films as "Adam's Rib," "The Tune," and "Tous les matins du monde."
"Adopt will be in a better position to fully exploit our films in all media because we'll have fully exploited each film's table-setting theatrical rights first," Grady added.
Added Losier: "I am so happy to have met a ball of energy, ready to put all their talent, passion and dreams into my first feature film! This is going to be a wonderful adventure and a precious honor to be the first Adopt Films release."
Lipsky and Grady negotiated the deal with Losier and her producing and business partners Steve Holmgren and Martin Marquet. The film tells the story of a love affair between British musician and artist Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, founder of industrial bands COUM Transmissions, Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV, and New York performance artist Lady Jaye (Jacqueline Breyer).
The film premiered at this year's Berlin Film Festival, where it won the prestigious Teddy and Caligari Awards. It was an official selection at this year's South by Southwest (SXSW), Tribeca, Hot Docs (Toronto), and San Francisco International Film Festivals.
Lipsky began his distribution career with "A Woman Under the Influence," working with his mentor, John Cassavetes. He was an executive at New Yorker Films, Samuel Goldwyn Films, and Skouras Pictures.
He is also a filmmaker, whose films include "Twelve Thirty," "Childhood's End," and the 2006 Sundance Film Festival Dramatic Competition selection "Flannel Pajamas."
Friday, September 16, 2011
THEE RE-EMERGENCE of A TRUE TOPI TRIBE (A message from Genesis)
The following is a message from Genesis for all OTTT members
Dearest Friends,
We have been through so much, all ov us. Each in their unique ways. NOW! Everybody with sense can see that there is a crumbling ov thee old economic ways. For coum T.I.M.E. we have been talking in our Lectures about thee untenable structure ov current systems. We live on a beauty-full planet, full ov miraculous natural and technological things, butter by thee very fact that this world is finite in size and raw content there are undeniable limits to everything. Thee ongoing model for economies is based upon ever increasing "GROWTH" and "PRODUCTIVITY". As thee human species has multiplied ever more quickly thee once apparently limitless resources exploited by thee Colonial, then Industrial, and finally Digital eras has revealed an OBVIOUS fact. In a finte world there are inevitably finite resources. And as we all know those resources, not just oil, but potable water,food, wood, in fact EVERY raw material used in manufacturing, are now revealed to be fast declining and running out. Infinite, permanent growth, and infinite permanently expanding productivity go literally against the laws of Nature. There will be surges ov strategies to give an illusion ov solutions by yet again raping Africa and other "underveloped Third World nations". These "New Markets" will sustain coum aspects ov thee failing materialist economies for a decade or so. Butter, in thee end I.T. will have to be faced that consumption of a finite "cake" lasts only as long as thee cake. There is no magick wand to wave to do a Christ and make thee fishes and loaves miraculously never run out. Thee first nation to realise thee oncouming disasters was China. They have led thee way with TOTALITARIAN CAPITALISM. Thee imposition ov virtual slave labour by intimidation and violence. We all conform to our particular countries systems in part due to awareness that punishment and imprisonment are a constant coumpanion via police, secret surveillance, and if necessary marshall law. All societies use intimidation to impose structure, no matter how discreet or benevolent I.T. may seem.
Thee current panics worldwide are symptomatic ov a slow realisation ov thee inevitability ov collapse ov ALL economic systems worldwide. Globalisation has accelerated this process. One wonders how deliberate or stupid those changes were? Butter that's too much to cover here.
We set up OTTT with Jacurutu and others to initiate a dialogue and discussion by relatively like-minded, commonly Creative beings. Brainstorming these issues we wondered, who will be best prepared to survive and adapt when a "Greece" happens in thee U.S.A.? I.T. seemed probable this would be Survivalist Groups ov all stripes; outlaw Biker gangs; in thee cities crimanal gangs and illicit drug networks; armed forces bases and ov course thee very politicians whose ostrich denials and greed for power for I.T.s own sake has led to this ongoing mess.
I.T. seemed therefore, important to seriously begin copnsidering, planning and thrashing out a way for our own ad hoc, anarchic chosen famille to be prepared for hard T.I.M.E.s ahead. To study thee existing templates ov thee various groups most likely to succeed in surviving and protecting their people. What are thee qualities and structures that give them an edge? Is I.T. even possible to develop a truly working autonomous yet POSITIVE and creative group ov Individuals coum-unity that has staying power? We lived in communes and collectives almost continuously from 1969 until 1992 when we were forced into voluntary exile from thee U.K. Even then, in California we had an open house policy for friends in need ov a place to live and work. Coum ov those people respected us for our generosity, coum later turned out to see our kindness as a weakness.
And THIS is why we feel there is a need to figure out, in advance, how viable this dream and practical concept REALLY IS! Having spent y-eras in communes we can speak from experience most end within 2 y-eras. Often due to conflict over kitchens, cleaning,food and bathrooms. So many people declare their coummitment and talk thee talk butter once ensconced in a coum-unity expect everyone else to resolve issues, supply food, clean up and so on. Their covert attitude is, "What is yours is mine, what is mine is mine". I.T. only takes one or two assholes to destroy everything by disillusioning thee dedicated.
Another problem is "authority". Is there a council, chosen by all who try and oversee thee safety and developmeant ov thee coum-unity? Does one person inevitably becoum "Leader" and eventually becoum thee scapegoat for any mishaps or failures. Often these Alpha types generate secret jealousy and bitterness when forced to make unpoular decisions and therein is another disintegration. Coum-unities are thee hardest social model to perpetuate successfully. Money is ALL ways a terrible problem. Does everyone put all they own into thee pot and if so, who oversees thee use of that? If coumone leaves can they demand their contribution back? We want this NING to coumtinue in thee super positive way I.T. has created its SELF without any initial guidance at all. We are really impressed with how many groups and contact points, ideas and trust has been established by you all so fast.
We recently read a book published by I.T. is a coumpilation ov articles written in thee 1960's and earlier 1970's when thousands ov groups ov all stripes tried to form coumunes across thee U.S.A. Ov these, today, probably less than 23 survive. All those who survived have a philosophy, or spiritual aspect, a unifying belief system that means enough to them to accept problems, to resolve issues for thee best for all and all have to subjugate ego to varying degrees for the collective health. We are hoping that thee ONE TRUE TOPI TRIBE can re-emerge from this ailing culture and gradually, after a LOT ov soul searching and extreme honesty, establish one or more coum-unities that will survive. I.T. is NOT easy, rarely fun at thee start, hard work, I.T. requires SINCERE surrender to thee group. A house full ov egos and/or strong opinions is not easy to develop in positive long term ways. WE are totally serious about this aspect ov OTTT. I.T. has all ways been a lifelong hope.
PLEASE, we cannot recommend too strongly that ANY Being here who even just imagines they'd like top make this happen, READ THIS BOOK as soon as possible.
"THE MODERN UTOPIAN" ( Alternative Communities of the 60's and 70's) by RICHARD FAIRFIELD.
We consider I.T. essential reading. You will soon realise how HARD creating a coum-unity is, AND how even more difficult I.T. is to sustain one for any length ov T.I.M.E.
Please forward this posting to everyone on thee NING if you can.
cari saluti,
Genesis BREYER P-ORRIDGE NYC September 2011
Dearest Friends,
We have been through so much, all ov us. Each in their unique ways. NOW! Everybody with sense can see that there is a crumbling ov thee old economic ways. For coum T.I.M.E. we have been talking in our Lectures about thee untenable structure ov current systems. We live on a beauty-full planet, full ov miraculous natural and technological things, butter by thee very fact that this world is finite in size and raw content there are undeniable limits to everything. Thee ongoing model for economies is based upon ever increasing "GROWTH" and "PRODUCTIVITY". As thee human species has multiplied ever more quickly thee once apparently limitless resources exploited by thee Colonial, then Industrial, and finally Digital eras has revealed an OBVIOUS fact. In a finte world there are inevitably finite resources. And as we all know those resources, not just oil, but potable water,food, wood, in fact EVERY raw material used in manufacturing, are now revealed to be fast declining and running out. Infinite, permanent growth, and infinite permanently expanding productivity go literally against the laws of Nature. There will be surges ov strategies to give an illusion ov solutions by yet again raping Africa and other "underveloped Third World nations". These "New Markets" will sustain coum aspects ov thee failing materialist economies for a decade or so. Butter, in thee end I.T. will have to be faced that consumption of a finite "cake" lasts only as long as thee cake. There is no magick wand to wave to do a Christ and make thee fishes and loaves miraculously never run out. Thee first nation to realise thee oncouming disasters was China. They have led thee way with TOTALITARIAN CAPITALISM. Thee imposition ov virtual slave labour by intimidation and violence. We all conform to our particular countries systems in part due to awareness that punishment and imprisonment are a constant coumpanion via police, secret surveillance, and if necessary marshall law. All societies use intimidation to impose structure, no matter how discreet or benevolent I.T. may seem.
Thee current panics worldwide are symptomatic ov a slow realisation ov thee inevitability ov collapse ov ALL economic systems worldwide. Globalisation has accelerated this process. One wonders how deliberate or stupid those changes were? Butter that's too much to cover here.
We set up OTTT with Jacurutu and others to initiate a dialogue and discussion by relatively like-minded, commonly Creative beings. Brainstorming these issues we wondered, who will be best prepared to survive and adapt when a "Greece" happens in thee U.S.A.? I.T. seemed probable this would be Survivalist Groups ov all stripes; outlaw Biker gangs; in thee cities crimanal gangs and illicit drug networks; armed forces bases and ov course thee very politicians whose ostrich denials and greed for power for I.T.s own sake has led to this ongoing mess.
I.T. seemed therefore, important to seriously begin copnsidering, planning and thrashing out a way for our own ad hoc, anarchic chosen famille to be prepared for hard T.I.M.E.s ahead. To study thee existing templates ov thee various groups most likely to succeed in surviving and protecting their people. What are thee qualities and structures that give them an edge? Is I.T. even possible to develop a truly working autonomous yet POSITIVE and creative group ov Individuals coum-unity that has staying power? We lived in communes and collectives almost continuously from 1969 until 1992 when we were forced into voluntary exile from thee U.K. Even then, in California we had an open house policy for friends in need ov a place to live and work. Coum ov those people respected us for our generosity, coum later turned out to see our kindness as a weakness.
And THIS is why we feel there is a need to figure out, in advance, how viable this dream and practical concept REALLY IS! Having spent y-eras in communes we can speak from experience most end within 2 y-eras. Often due to conflict over kitchens, cleaning,food and bathrooms. So many people declare their coummitment and talk thee talk butter once ensconced in a coum-unity expect everyone else to resolve issues, supply food, clean up and so on. Their covert attitude is, "What is yours is mine, what is mine is mine". I.T. only takes one or two assholes to destroy everything by disillusioning thee dedicated.
Another problem is "authority". Is there a council, chosen by all who try and oversee thee safety and developmeant ov thee coum-unity? Does one person inevitably becoum "Leader" and eventually becoum thee scapegoat for any mishaps or failures. Often these Alpha types generate secret jealousy and bitterness when forced to make unpoular decisions and therein is another disintegration. Coum-unities are thee hardest social model to perpetuate successfully. Money is ALL ways a terrible problem. Does everyone put all they own into thee pot and if so, who oversees thee use of that? If coumone leaves can they demand their contribution back? We want this NING to coumtinue in thee super positive way I.T. has created its SELF without any initial guidance at all. We are really impressed with how many groups and contact points, ideas and trust has been established by you all so fast.
We recently read a book published by I.T. is a coumpilation ov articles written in thee 1960's and earlier 1970's when thousands ov groups ov all stripes tried to form coumunes across thee U.S.A. Ov these, today, probably less than 23 survive. All those who survived have a philosophy, or spiritual aspect, a unifying belief system that means enough to them to accept problems, to resolve issues for thee best for all and all have to subjugate ego to varying degrees for the collective health. We are hoping that thee ONE TRUE TOPI TRIBE can re-emerge from this ailing culture and gradually, after a LOT ov soul searching and extreme honesty, establish one or more coum-unities that will survive. I.T. is NOT easy, rarely fun at thee start, hard work, I.T. requires SINCERE surrender to thee group. A house full ov egos and/or strong opinions is not easy to develop in positive long term ways. WE are totally serious about this aspect ov OTTT. I.T. has all ways been a lifelong hope.
PLEASE, we cannot recommend too strongly that ANY Being here who even just imagines they'd like top make this happen, READ THIS BOOK as soon as possible.
"THE MODERN UTOPIAN" ( Alternative Communities of the 60's and 70's) by RICHARD FAIRFIELD.
We consider I.T. essential reading. You will soon realise how HARD creating a coum-unity is, AND how even more difficult I.T. is to sustain one for any length ov T.I.M.E.
Please forward this posting to everyone on thee NING if you can.
cari saluti,
Genesis BREYER P-ORRIDGE NYC September 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Knock Knock. Who’s there? 9/11...with Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
Ever look in the mirror and realize that ten years have gone by in a flash?
Julie Atlas Muz and Thirsty Girl Productions presentKnock Knock. Who’s there?
9/11. 9/11 Who?
You said you’d never forget!
The 10th Anniversary Memorial
Political 3-Act Cabaret!Sunday 9/11/11
With all-star cast including: Breyer P'Orridge, Sweetie, Amanda Lepore, Stanley Love, Bunny Love, Bambi the Mermaid, Jelly Roll, Dirty Martini, Julie Atlas Muz, National Theater of the United States of America, Reverend Billy and the Church of Earthaluja, 5 Crew Dynasty, Alien Comic, Sherry Vine, Rose Wood, Tigger!, Jennifer Miller, The Pixie Harlots, Murray Hill, World Famous *BOB*, Justin V. Bond, Sxip Shirey, Greg Walloch, Jessica Halem, Ken Ball, Pedro El Gigante Puerto Riqueno, plus DJ Camillicious & James Habacker! and set by Steven Hammel
The Highline Ballroom, NYC Doors 7pm
Show times: 8:00, 9:11 & 11pm
The 10th anniversary of 9/11 is the quintessential occasion to champion downtown New York artists in a political arena entitled Knock Knock, Who’s There? 9/11! 9/11 Who? You Said You’d Never Forget! Directly from the heart of Julie Atlas Muz this three act political cabaret is for the luminaries of NYC to come together and exercise our patriotic right of freedom of speech.
All proceeds goes to the Uniformed Firefighters Association of New York, Widow’s and Children’s Fund.
Ten years ago we were all devastated by the tragedies that befell our city that caused such heartache and forever changed the nature of our personal relationship with our government and their sale of terror. Now it is our duty as artists to reflect the times. Julie Atlas Muz and Jen Gapay of Thirsty Girl Productions are creating an evening for New York City’s top performers to come together, remember, comfort, challenge and with our natural bad taste laugh together through nudity, poetry, dance, song, comedic commentary, drag illusion, sincerity, absurdity and all the talent that makes New York, New York.
Sunday, 9/11/11 Doors 7:00 pm
Set times: 8:00, 9:11 & 11pm
The Highline Ballroom
431 W 16th St New York, NY 10011
VIP tickets $40- a great seat
General Seating $20
All proceeds goes to the Uniformed Firefighters Association of New York, Widow’s and Children’s Fund.
The evening is divided in to three, forty-five minute acts with each act becoming increasingly politically incorrect.
ACT 1: A LOVE LETTER TO NYC 8pmhosted bu Murray Hill
Act 2: AMERICAN IN TRANSITION 9:11pmHosted by Justin V. Bond
ACT 3: “OH NO YOU DI-INT!” 11pmHosted by NYC's Big Titted Honky Soul Mama SWEETIE
Cutting, tender, emotional, smart and supremely edgy, this three hour extravaganza will inspire the audience to recharge and reconnect to why they decided to take a bite out of the Big Apple.
Sunday, 9/11/11 Doors 7:00 pm
Set times: 8:00, 9:11 & 11pm
The Highline Ballroom
431 W 16th St New York, NY 10011
www.highlineballroom.comVIP tickets $40- a great seat
General Seating $20
Friday, September 2, 2011
Crazy Lady: Curated by Jane Harris
531 West 26th Street New York NY 10001 212 630 0722 / 212 630 0726 fax
Crazy Lady: Curated by Jane Harris
Robert Beck, Lizzi Bougatsos, Kathe Burkhart, Daniella Dooling, Lisa Levy,
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Stephanie Snider.
September 8 – October 8, 2011
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 8, 6-8pm
531 West 26th Street New York NY 10001 212 630 0722 / 212 630 0726 fax
Crazy Lady: Curated by Jane Harris
Robert Beck, Lizzi Bougatsos, Kathe Burkhart, Daniella Dooling, Lisa Levy,
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Stephanie Snider.
September 8 – October 8, 2011
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 8, 6-8pm
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