Info on long-time Genesis supporter and Collaborator, Carl Abrahamsson's Fenris Wolf magazine/ book series.
The Fenris Wolf 5 howls at you (lovingly)!
Edda Newsletter no. 5, July 2nd, 2012
Welcome to the Edda Newsletter!
We hope you're enjoying a splendid summer and also that you're as excited as we are about the new issue of The Fenris Wolf! We expect it from the printers next week and it will start "shipping" on July 16th. If you can order now? Yes, of course you can!
This volume, the fifth, contains material by Jason Louv, Patrick Lundborg, Gary Lachman, Timothy O’Neill, Dianus del Bosco Sacro, David Griffin, Philip Farber, Aki Cederberg, Renata Wieczorek, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Ezra Pound, Gary Dickinson, Robert Podgurski, Stephen Ellis, Mel Lyman, Hiram Corso, Frater Nagasiva, Peter Grey, Vera Mladenovska Nikolich, Kevin Slaughter, Lionel Snell, Phanes Apollonius, Lana Krieg and Carl Abrahamsson, on topics as diverse as the psychedelic William Shakespeare, secret societies, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, neurological interpretations of magic, the esoteric gardens of Quinta da Regaleira in Portugal, Italian witchcraft, Pierre Molinier, Derek Jarman, the I Ching, Geomancy, the logic of evil and vice versa, Remy de Gourmont, Aleister Crowley, Liber AL vel Legis, Macedonian vampires, Satanism, Goethe’s Faust, and the creation of a “mega Golem” within the context of developing a contemporary yet timeless terminology of magic.
350 pages. 148 x 210 mm, sewn paperback. Cover art by Fredrik Söderberg. Limited edition of 666 hand numbered copies. The book costs 350:- SEK per copy. Including postage, this means: Sweden: 420:- SEK, Europe: 520:- SEK, Rest of the world: 550:- SEK. Please note: We don't sell copies to US customers. We will ship copies of The Fenris Wolf 5 to our American distributor, JD HOLMES, during the summer. JD is already taking pre-orders for this title.
There will be an extra special limited collectors' edition of The Fenris Wolf 5. Only SEVEN (7) copies will be made available in special shape: the "Planetary Edition" presents the book hardbound in black leather and issued in a slipcase with solar and lunar sigils. Please note: With each copy comes a watercolour painting by Fredrik Söderberg, i.e. one unique painting for each of the seven classic planets. Included is also a reading copy from the "normal" edition of The Fenris Wolf 5. The cost per copy is 7000:- SEK plus postage. This edition is sold exclusively on a "first come, first served" basis, beginning NOW. Please note that this collectors' edition can be sold to US customers too. One copy per customer. If interested, send an e-mail asap.
If you haven't yet picked up a copy of our wonderful edition of Edward Bulwer Lytton's VRIL: The Power of the Coming Race, illustrated by Christine Ödlund, we're offering a special package deal, valid up until July 31st: Buy one copy of The Fenris Wolf 5 and one copy of VRIL and get a heavy discount. Including postage: Sweden 600:- SEK, Europe: 700:- SEK, Rest of the world: 800:- SEK. Unfortunately, this offer is not available to American customers.
Order the regular edition and the special offer by paying to PayPal. Our address there is:
Please mark July the 19th in your calendars, especially if you're in London, England. We will celebrate the release of both VRIL and The Fenris Wolf 5 at the legendary Atlantis Bookshop, so please come join us!
On July the 21st, the festivities continue in Brighton, at the Scarlet Imprint Pleasure Dome festival/symposium. Carl will give a talk about visionary art and the occult, and most likely there will be some books there too – if we haven't run out in London, that is.
PLEASURE DOME information at
Thank you very much for being interested in what we do and what we publish.
Fredrik Söderberg & Carl Abrahamsson
Edda Publishing
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 8105
Stockholm 10420
A comprehensive online archive of all things Genesis p-orridge,arguably one of the most important icons of alternative culture of the latter quarter of the 20th Century and beyond ...
the essays, interviews, music and magick that has given "CONTROL" headaches for 60-some years now.
*bear with me as i correct spelling and fix formatting on some of this older material!

Gen's upcoming events and Misc.upcoming projects...
GENS MISC. UPCOMING PROJECTS: Heartworm Press are publishing “Collected Lyrics and Poems of Genesis Breyer P-Orridge – Volume One 1961 to 1971. Later they will publish Gen's first novel, written in 1969, “Mrs. Askwith”. Other books will follow.
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